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Unlocking Your Passion: How Minerals Can Enhance Women’s Libido Naturally
We talk a lot about taking minerals for sleep, stress, focus, and recovery—but what about minerals for sex? A mineral supplement is a natural and effective way to increase your sex drive, and it’s especially impactful for women. A lot of the underlying systems that drive libido—like hormone production and blood flow—depend on minerals to function properly.
February 07, 2025

Nurturing Self-Care and Love: How Minerals Support Women’s Wellness
Minerals are good for everyone, but they’re especially important for women. A 2022 study found that women are at higher risk of mineral deficiency than men, particularly in minerals that support hormone balance, sleep, stress, and mood. [*]
February 01, 2025

The Hidden Hunger: A Worldwide Epidemic
A 2022 study by the CDC found that virtually everyone has at least one mineral deficiency. [*] And it’s not just the United States: in industrialized countries worldwide, almost nobody meets their basic mineral requirements. More than 2 billion people in the developed world are considered severely mineral-deficient, [*] and mineral deficiencies account for about 10% of child deaths across the globe. [*]
January 08, 2025

Recharge and Thrive: The Power of Minerals for a Healthy, Energized Year
The New Year is a good time to start a few healthy habits—and one of the best (and easiest!) additions to your day is a full-spectrum mineral supplement. According to the latest CDC research, 97% of American adults don’t get enough minerals [*]—which is a shame, because starting a mineral routine takes almost no effort. It’s 30 seconds out of your day and the payoff is huge for your wellbeing.
January 05, 2025

Jumpstart Your Health Goals with Mineral Support
Are you setting any health goals this year? A lot of us do: whether it’s consistent exercise, more sleep, better diet, or something else, about 40% of people make health resolutions each year. [*]
January 01, 2025

Survive The Holidays: Detox and Stay Energized with Minerals
The holidays are a time to celebrate. For many of us, that means alcohol, rich food, extra dessert, and a little more wear and tear on the body than usual. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. There’s more to life than perfect health, and sometimes it’s worthwhile to indulge a bit. But if you want to feel good while you’re indulging, minerals can help.
December 18, 2024

The Difference Between Macro and Micro Minerals
The human body needs more than 70 different minerals to function. You can split them into two groups: macrominerals and microminerals. While they serve different functions, both macro and microminerals are important. Here’s a quick look at what each group does, and why you need both to function at your best.
December 12, 2024

Holiday Travel Survival Kit: Stay Energized and Balanced On-the-Go
The holiday season is a stressful time. Travel, indulgent food, alcohol, in-laws—the holidays take a greater toll on your body than any other time of year. There’s also a good chance you’ll come back from the holidays ill. Cold and flu incidence increases dramatically in winter, and research shows airports and family gatherings are major vectors for illness. [*] And even if you evade sickness, you’ll likely return home feeling more depleted than rested.
November 25, 2024

Feed Your Microbiome with Minerals
Minerals are one of the most overlooked contributors to a healthy gut. They help feed and support your microbiome, nurturing good bacteria and discouraging damaging bacteria.
November 18, 2024

Minerals for PMS and Menstrual Cramps
Cramps can range from mildly uncomfortable to devastating, and PMS often comes with bloating, fatigue, headaches, and more. PMS isn’t just physical, either: a lot of women report anxiety, low mood, brain fog, trouble sleeping, and other mental symptoms that accompany pain and cramping.
October 29, 2024

What Are Electrolytes and Why Do You Need Them?
Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge in your body. They’re most famous with regards to hydration—getting enough electrolytes is essential to staying hydrated—but they’re also important for baseline cellular function.
October 25, 2024

Salt-Based Vs. Plant-Based Electrolytes: Which Is Better?
Most electrolyte drinks and powders use salt-based electrolytes: minerals that are bound to oppositely charged substances to form a neutral, stable compound. Salt-based minerals are inexpensive and easy to produce, which makes them popular with the vast majority of electrolyte producers. But mineral salts also have several downsides that make them an ineffective choice for replenishing electrolytes.
October 14, 2024

Mastering Menopause with Plant-Based Minerals
Menopause is the largest hormonal shift in a woman’s life. It usually happens between ages 45 and 55, and while it’s a natural part of aging, it’s a difficult time for a lot of women. During menopause your estrogen and progesterone production drops by more than 90%. That can come with a lot of side effects, from hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia to muscle pain and mood swings.
October 04, 2024

Fasting 101: Increase Your Fasting Success With Minerals
Intermittent fasting is a great tool for improving your health—and you can make it even better with minerals. Fasting involves going most of the day without food, then having all your calories within a condensed “eating window.” Research shows that fasting is good for brain function, longevity, inflammation, and even sleep.
October 01, 2024

Microminerals: the 70+ Minerals Your Body Needs
While these rarer minerals are only present in small amounts, most of them play essential, specialized roles in your body. They’re important for metabolism, cardiovascular health, brain function, and hormone production, and not getting enough of them can have a bigger effect on your daily performance than you might expect.
September 30, 2024

Are You Underfueling? Minerals and Hair Loss
Mineral deficiencies can present in a variety of ways—fatigue, trouble sleeping, muscle cramps, even dental problems or joint pain. One common presentation is hair loss. Minerals play a huge role in both hair structure and follicle health. If you notice your hair thinning or falling out, or your hair becomes unusually dry or brittle, you may not be getting enough of a few essential minerals.
September 24, 2024

Hashimoto’s and Minerals: Supporting Your Thyroid
If you’re dealing with thyroid issues, minerals can be a huge help. Your thyroid is one of the most mineral-intensive organs in your body. It uses a huge amount of minerals in the production and distribution of thyroid hormones.
September 16, 2024

BEAM Minerals: Sourcing & Sustainability
Our supplements are derived from humate, a mineral-rich component of ancient rainforest soil. Humate forms over millions of years, as freshwater plants decompose and deposit their nutrients into the soil. Over time, the minerals in those plants aggregate into a black crystalline substance. That substance is humate, and it’s one of the most mineral-dense materials in the world.
August 26, 2024

Fight Inflammation with Phytonutrients
Phytonutrients are unique substances that come from plants. They’re good for you in a few different ways, but their most powerful feature is their ability to fight chronic inflammation.
August 26, 2024

The Healing Power of Minerals in Addiction Recovery
This blog dives into the impact of substance use on your body's essential minerals and offers a simple, effective path to replenishment. Keep reading if you’re on a sobriety journey and are seeking to restore health and well-being.
August 21, 2024

Minerals: The Ultimate Support for OMAD (One Meal A Day)
One meal a day (OMAD) fasting is just what its name suggests: you eat one big meal each day and fast the rest of the time. OMAD is a popular form of fasting. It’s great for weight loss and has a variety of other benefits ranging from decreased inflammation to better brain function.
August 21, 2024

Minerals and Mitochondria
Menopause is the largest hormonal shift in a woman’s life. It usually happens between ages 45 and 55, and while it’s a natural part of aging, it’s a difficult time for a lot of women. During menopause your estrogen and progesterone production drops by more than 90%. That can come with a lot of side effects, from hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia to muscle pain and mood swings.
August 21, 2024

Mineral Balance: Why To Avoid High-Dose Single Minerals
If you’ve used mineral supplements before, there’s a good chance you took high doses of a single mineral—magnesium, calcium, zinc, and so on. It seems like a good idea: if you’re low in something, you can just take a lot of it to replenish your stores, the same way you’d refill the gas tank of your car.
August 21, 2024

The Power of Minerals: Supporting Autoimmune Conditions
Autoimmunity is taxing on your system, particularly in the case of thyroid conditions like hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The stress it causes can lead you to deplete your body’s mineral stores more quickly, which may worsen fatigue, pain, trouble sleeping, and other issues common in autoimmune conditions.
August 21, 2024

How Full-Spectrum Minerals Benefit Neurodiverse Brains
Not surprisingly, minerals are essential to healthy cognition. They affect your mood, [*] focus, [*] memory, and more. If you’re neurodiverse, minerals become even more important for your brain. Research shows that mineral deficiencies impact a variety of brain challenges, including ADHD, autism, depression, and anxiety.
August 06, 2024

5 Things to Know About Electrolytes for Young Athletes
As the months get warmer a lot of our kids are playing sports outside. It’s more important than ever to keep your children hydrated—and that means more than just water. Here are five quick things to know about hydration for young athletes.
August 02, 2024

Kids and Brain Fog: How Minerals Can Help
Mineral deficiencies can have an impact on schoolwork, mood, and even long-term cognitive development. Fortunately, low minerals are easy to correct.
July 31, 2024

Replenish and Revitalize: Plant-Based Minerals for IBD
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) includes a number of digestive problems, the most common of which are irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and Crohn’s disease. If you live with IBD you know how devastating it can be. Constant pain, embarrassment, fear of eating or drinking things that will upset your gut—IBD is a difficult burden to bear.
July 22, 2024

Boost Your Dental Health with Plant-Based Minerals
Good dental health is about more than just brushing. Your teeth and gums need a variety of minerals to function properly—and if you don’t get enough nutrients, you increase your risk of cavities, inflammation, and more.
July 16, 2024

Rethinking Mineral RDAs: Personalized Nutrition for Better Health
Most people don't realize that Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) are often too low to meet individual mineral needs, especially considering factors like genetics, lifestyle, and current health status. This blog explores why RDAs may be insufficient and how personalized mineral intake can enhance overall health and well-being.
July 10, 2024

Summer Hydration: How Electrolytes Keep Your Family Energized
Summer hydration is vital for your family’s health, and electrolytes play a key role in keeping everyone energized and hydrated. Learn how minerals help prevent dehydration, enhance performance, and ensure well-being for both adults and kids in hot weather. Discover the best ways to replenish electrolytes and keep your family hydrated this summer.
June 26, 2024

Making Minerals Simple
Discover how BEAM Minerals simplifies achieving mineral balance with our hassle-free liquid supplement, eliminating the need for frequent testing and complex routines. Learn how daily doses restore all essential minerals efficiently, enhancing your health without the common absorption issues found in traditional supplements.
June 06, 2024

Re-Energize Your Day with Insta-Lytes™
Electrolytes are crucial for hydration and muscle function, but many supplements fall short. Insta-Lytes™ provides rapid electrolyte replenishment through a convenient spray. Ideal for athletes and those with muscle cramps, it ensures quick hydration and enhanced performance.
June 06, 2024

Mineral Deficiencies in Cats: What Every Cat Owner Needs to Know
Learn why cats are especially prone to mineral deficiencies and how supplementation can support their overall health. Discover signs of mineral deficiencies and the importance of a nutritionally complete diet for your feline friend.
June 04, 2024

Bite into Health: Minerals for Your Dog's Dental Hygiene
Learn how mineral deficiencies in pet food can cause dental issues in dogs. Identify signs of tooth problems and understand the importance of minerals like calcium and magnesium for dental health. Discover the benefits of a full-spectrum mineral supplement to ensure your dog’s teeth stay strong and healthy.
June 04, 2024

Mother's Milk and Minerals: A Duo for Healthy Nursing and Growth
Minerals are crucial for both mothers and babies during breastfeeding. This article explains how full-spectrum mineral supplements support lactation, prevent postpartum complications, and ensure the health of both mother and child. Discover why increasing your mineral intake is essential for a healthy breastfeeding journey.
May 16, 2024

Golden Years: Support Your Senior Pet with Minerals
One of the best things you can do for your pet is make sure they get enough minerals. We’re pet owners too, which is why we’ve made full-spectrum mineral supplements specifically for animals. Our specialized mineral formulas will support your pet’s bones, teeth, joints, coat, and more—so they can enjoy the golden years in comfort.
May 14, 2024

How Minerals Support Postpartum Wellness
Recently we wrote about why minerals are important during pregnancy. You and your baby both need a lot of minerals when you’re pregnant, and deficiencies can cause everything from greater risk of miscarriage to low birth weight.
May 10, 2024

The Essential Role of Minerals to Support Your Pregnancy
The answer to both is yes! In fact, you need a lot more minerals than usual when you’re pregnant. Mineral supplementation becomes more important than ever for both you and your baby.
May 02, 2024

From Farm to Fork: Exploring the Decline in Our Food's Nutritional Value
Almost nobody gets enough minerals from diet alone. According to a large-scale 2022 study, 97% of Americans have at least one mineral deficiency and 70% have two or more. [*]
April 17, 2024

MCAS and Minerals
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a condition that causes repeated allergic reactions, even when no allergen is present. [*] MCAS is the result of hyperactive mast cells, cells in your immune system that control your allergic response.
April 11, 2024

Humic & Fulvic the Ultimate Anti-inflammatory Support
Mineral deficiencies slow our bodies down in a lot of ways, but one of the biggest areas to take a hit is fertility. Male fertility, in particular, relies on plentiful access to minerals—for creating healthy sperm, producing and distributing testosterone, maintaining healthy blood flow, and more—and decreased fertility is one of the first signs that you may be mineral-depleted.
April 03, 2024

Supporting Men’s Reproductive Health with Minerals
Mineral deficiencies slow our bodies down in a lot of ways, but one of the biggest areas to take a hit is fertility. Male fertility, in particular, relies on plentiful access to minerals—for creating healthy sperm, producing and distributing testosterone, maintaining healthy blood flow, and more—and decreased fertility is one of the first signs that you may be mineral-depleted.
April 03, 2024

Nourishing New Beginnings: Minerals for Women’s Fertility and Beyond
In the last few years, large-scale studies have found that mineral deficiencies are a driving cause of infertility, especially for women. [*][*][*] Fertility is a complex process and your body needs minerals at almost every step, from hormone production to successful conception to providing the fetus with nutrition during pregnancy.
March 22, 2024

Unveiling the Power of Plant-Based Minerals with Dr. Mindy Pelz and Caroline Alan
Did you know that each and every cell within your body relies on minerals for its proper functioning? Unfortunately, the majority of us are unknowingly running low on these vital elements. But the good news is that in this episode, we’re diving deep into the realm of minerals, and who better to guide us than Caroline Alan herself?
March 19, 2024

Biohack Your Best Sleep Ever with Minerals
Your body uses close to a dozen different minerals to regulate sleep, and mineral imbalances or deficits can have a major impact on the quality of rest you get each night.
March 14, 2024

Empowering Your Lift: Supporting Women’s Strength Training with Minerals
We see more and more women lifting weights these days. It’s great news, because strength training is good for you in a lot of different ways, and it’s particularly good for women.
March 08, 2024