Woman blonde hair brushing teeth in mirror

Boost Your Dental Health with Plant-Based Minerals


Read Time 7 min

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. This content should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical condition or health issue. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

Good dental health is about more than just brushing. Your teeth and gums need a variety of minerals to function properly—and if you don’t get enough nutrients, you increase your risk of cavities, inflammation, and more.

This is a topic near and dear to me. Before I started BEAM Minerals I struggled for years with inflamed and receding gums, frequent cavities and bone loss in my teeth. My dentists were puzzled: I brushed twice a day, flossed after every meal and even went in for professional cleanings every 4 months. I followed an impeccable oral hygiene routine but my dental health was still in decline. I was on the verge of needing serious oral surgery—until I discovered plant-based minerals.

What I didn’t realize (and my dentists missed) was that I had several severe mineral deficiencies. It turns out minerals influence almost every aspect of your oral health: the hardness of your enamel, your resistance to tooth decay, how well you maintain healthy mouth bacteria, and even how prone you are to gum disease.

Once I began supplementing with the right minerals my dental health turned around very quickly. Within eight months all my issues were gone, and today I have strong teeth and healthy gums. For me, it all came down to mineral replenishment, which is one of the reasons I wanted to start BEAM MInerals. Most Americans are deficient in at least one mineral [ * ] and the effects are often subtle—but if you correct those imbalances, you may be surprised by the aspects of your health that improve.

Here’s a look at why mineral balance is an essential part of dental hygiene.

You Need Minerals for Strong Enamel

Enamel—the outer layer of your teeth—is the hardest substance in the human body, surpassing even bone. It’s made to protect your dentin, the sensitive, nerve-filled inner part of your teeth. Enamel also keeps teeth white (the dentin underneath is more of a yellowish-tan color).

Enamel is so hard because it’s composed of 96% minerals. [ * ] Much of your tooth enamel is calcium , phosphorus , fluoride , and magnesium , which bind together to form densely packed, interlocking crystal structures that act like a shell for your teeth. [ * ]

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You cannot replace enamel once it’s destroyed, which means if you lose it—due to a cavity, for example—your only option is to get the missing enamel filled in at a dentist using an artificial compound that mimics your natural teeth.

However, your body can repair general wear and tear on enamel through a process called remineralization . Remineralization is exactly as it sounds: your saliva carries calcium, phosphorus, fluoride, and magnesium into voids that have formed in the crystalline structure of your enamel, where it deposits them to fill in the voids and return your enamel to a dense, strong state. [ * ]

Research shows that deficiencies in any of these minerals will slow remineralization to a crawl, causing your enamel to degrade and increasing your risk of cavities, root canals, and other irreversible tooth damage. [ * ][ * ]

Getting plenty of minerals, on the other hand, will make the remineralization process more robust, keeping your teeth strong and white for years to come.

Minerals Protect Your Teeth from Bacteria

Minerals also help fight off the bacteria that cause cavities.

Cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth are constantly trying to cover your teeth in a biofilm—a layer of slime that adheres to the surface of the tooth and physically protects the bacteria from damage or removal, allowing them to multiply. [ * ] Once they multiply, bacteria begin producing acids that eat away at the enamel on your teeth, allowing the bacteria to burrow in and infect the tissue underneath.

Biofilms are one reason it’s so important to brush twice a day. The friction of your toothbrush breaks up and removes biofilms, preventing bacteria from building protective strongholds on your teeth.

But brushing isn’t enough. You also want to give your teeth the tools they need to fight back against bacteria.

That’s where minerals come in. Research shows that alkaline minerals—most notably calcium , magnesium , potassium , manganese , and iron —actually neutralize the acids produced by cavity-causing bacteria so they can’t wear down your enamel. [ * ]

But research also shows that when you’re low on these minerals, bacteria have an easier time adhering to your teeth and breaking them down. [ * ]

If you want to protect against cavity-causing bacteria it’s a good idea to increase your mineral intake.

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Minerals Support Your Gums, Too

It’s not just your teeth: a 2016 review concluded that mineral status also plays a central role in inflammation and gum disease. [ * ]

The authors noted that a broad spectrum of trace minerals contribute to maintaining periodontal (gum) tissue, and that numerous minerals (most notably selenium ) act as antioxidants, reducing inflammation and protecting gums from oxidative damage caused by bacteria. [ * ]

The same review also noted that an abundance of essential minerals promotes healthy bacterial balance in your mouth, further supporting your gums.

A Simple Way to Replenish Your Mineral Stores

Minerals are an essential part of your dental health—but most of us don’t get enough of them.

The latest national health and nutrition survey from the CDC found that 97% of Americans are deficient in at least one mineral . [ * ]

The most important minerals for supporting your teeth—calcium, magnesium, potassium, and fluoride—are common deficiencies, all of which can have long-lasting effects on your oral hygiene.

This is one of the main reasons I created BEAM Minerals . It contains every essential mineral your body needs, in the right ratios, which makes supplementation easy. All you do is take a one-ounce shot of mineral-rich liquid each morning. It tastes like water and it replenishes all your minerals at once, in 30 seconds a day.

For an even bigger boost, try swishing with a capful of BEAM Minerals for 30 seconds after brushing. Saliva remineralizes your teeth by carrying minerals into the voids in your enamel, [ * ] and surrounding your teeth with mineral-rich liquid is a great way to support your teeth and gums. If you are struggling with unhealthy teeth, you can also try swishing with our Electrolyze™ right before you go to bed at night.

Remineralization made a huge difference in my dental health. You may be surprised by how much it helps you. Give BEAM Minerals a try today and see the difference for yourself.

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Can I take BEAM Minerals with my other supplements?

Yes, in fact, BEAM Minerals will enhance the bioavailability of all your other supplements.

What is the difference between Micro-BOOST™ and Electrolyze™?

Electrolyze™ is primarily composed of Fulvic Mineral Complexes . Fulvic complexes are small molecules that provide inter-cellular transport for nutritional elements into the cells and carry bio-waste out of the cells. Fulvic complexes are flavonoids , which provide many benefits in the body.

Micro-BOOST™ is primarily composed of the Humic Mineral Complexes . Humic complexes are large molecules that are extra-cellular, meaning they do not enter the cells but stay outside the cells. They are highly-charged molecules that attract, through their electrical charge, bio-waste, free radicals and heavy metals. They ultimately carry bio-waste out of the body. Thus, we call them “Nature’s Janitor”.

How many milligrams (mg) of an electrolyte (Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium, Calcium, etc.) is there in BEAM Minerals?

The quantities of each element in BEAM Minerals products are measured in “parts per million” (ppm), rather than the “milligrams” (mg). Here is the information which usually helps to understand the difference:

Milligrams (mg) vs parts per million (ppm)

In comparing our products to other supplements, people want to know how much of an electrolyte is in our products (like potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium). Usually they are looking for an amount in milligrams (mg).

We have a hard time answering that question, because the electrolytes (and other elements) in BEAM Minerals products are measured in parts per million (ppm). So how can consumers compare?

The answer is a little complex, but here’s the high points.

The electrolytes in BEAM Minerals products are provided in “trace” amounts that are completely dissolved and thus 100% bio-available, immediately introduced into your circulation when you consumed them and will produce and active effect.

When you take a 320mg pill of magnesium, your body is only able utilize about 12-20% of it as it takes some time because your body has to digest it first. Whatever is not dissolved gets processed out of your body.

When you take a capful of liquid Electrolyze™ and/or Micro-BOOST™, you receive approximately 5.22 ppm of magnesium in which 100% of the magnesium is immediately available to your body. In addition, an important to know is that the magnesium in BEAM Minerals products stay in your system much longer building up healthy levels as you continue to take it daily.