
Fasting 101: Increase Your Fasting Success With Minerals

Intermittent fasting is a great tool for improving your health—and you can make it even better with minerals. Fasting involves going most of the day without food, then having all your calories within a condensed “eating window.” Research shows that fasting is good for brain function, longevity, inflammation, and even sleep.

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Fasting 101: Increase Your Fasting Success With Minerals

Intermittent fasting is a great tool for improving your health—and you can make it even better with minerals. Fasting involves going most of the day without food, then having all your calories within a condensed “eating window.” Research shows that fasting is good for brain function, longevity, inflammation, and even sleep.

October 01, 2024


Minerals: The Ultimate Support for OMAD (One Meal A Day)

One meal a day (OMAD) fasting is just what its name suggests: you eat one big meal each day and fast the rest of the time. OMAD is a popular form of fasting. It’s great for weight loss and has a variety of other benefits ranging from decreased inflammation to better brain function.

August 21, 2024


Unveiling the Power of Plant-Based Minerals with Dr. Mindy Pelz and Caroline Alan

Did you know that each and every cell within your body relies on minerals for its proper functioning? Unfortunately, the majority of us are unknowingly running low on these vital elements. But the good news is that in this episode, we’re diving deep into the realm of minerals, and who better to guide us than Caroline Alan herself?

March 19, 2024


How Minerals Make Fasting Easier

Intermittent fasting has become popular in the last few years. Hundreds of thousands of people use fasting to lose weight, decrease inflammation, slow down aging, and more. It’s a straightforward tool for improving your health, and it gives you results quickly. 

September 08, 2023


Effective Hydration for the Body

Hydration is crucial to health and well-being. Many of us are striving to get our diets and nutrition on point and yet lose focus on the importance of hydration.

May 01, 2023


It’s a Fact: You Can’t Get the Minerals You Need From Diet Alone

Minerals play an important role in most of your body’s systems. They affect your focus, mood, memory, energy levels, resilience to stress, muscle function and recovery, and more

May 01, 2023


Minerals and Self-Care: A Simple Tool for Stress Relief

Increasing your mineral stores is one of the best things you can do for stress relief. Let’s take a look at why minerals are essential for stress management, as well as how a good mineral supplement can make you more resilient to the stresses of daily life.

March 31, 2023


How Minerals Can Supercharge a Keto Diet

Eating low-carb changes a lot of things in your body. You’re teaching your metabolism to burn fat for fuel instead of sugar, and that metabolic shift comes with new nutrient needs. 

February 13, 2023


The Keto Kamp Podcast With Ben Azadi

Today, I am blessed to have here with me Caroline Alan. Dan Howard and Caroline Alan founded BEAM Minerals as a vehicle for promoting the amazing power of plant-based fulvic and humic minerals.

January 29, 2023


The Science Behind Keto Diet and Mineral Depletion Avoiding the “Keto Flu”

The keto diet is all the rage these days. It is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that has been shown to be very effective for weight loss. But there is one big problem with the keto diet: the keto flu.

January 26, 2023


All About the Keto Flu and Mineral Deficiency, Explained

You may have heard about the keto flu. Maybe you're even experiencing it right now. But what is it, exactly? More importantly, how can you make it go away?

January 25, 2023

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