The Human Upgrade

How Minerals Combat Glyphosate’s Harm


Read Time 2 min

The Human Upgrade with Dave Asprey | Episode 948

Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. This content should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical condition or health issue. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

Caroline Alan, co-founder and CEO of  BEAM Minerals , explains how minerals provide your body systems with critical cellular support, how they get depleted and how you can replenish them. She goes even further to talk about glyphosate’s harmful effects on human health and soil health, particularly when it comes to minerals.


In her former corporate career of software development and business consulting, Caroline experienced problems physically, mentally and energetically. She struggled with issues like life-long gluten intolerance, whole-body inflammation, leaky gut, chronic headaches, flat-lined adrenals and low thyroid. Her chronic health issues didn’t resolve until she began taking plant-based humic and fulvic minerals.

This cellular support changed her life so dramatically, she started deep research into the science of minerals and co-founded BEAM Minerals.


  • One of the root causes of unhealthy soil can be linked directly to glyphosate use in modern production farming.
  • One of the root causes of mineral depletion and chronic illness in modern humans points directly to glyphosate ingestion.


Woman pouring minerals and electrolytes into water


Dave Asprey is best known as the founder of Bulletproof Coffee and the entire Biohacking movement. As a four-time New York Times bestselling author, CEO of Upgrade Labs, and host of a Webby award-winning, top 100 podcast, The Human Upgrade (formerly Bulletproof Radio), Dave is a maverick in the entrepreneurial health science and biotechnology space.

As a true pioneer, Dave was the first person to ever sell a product online, and of course, it was related to coffee. He sold caffeine t-shirts out of his dorm room before the web browser was even invented which earned him a profile in Entrepreneur Magazine. Dave became an early internet technology journalist, cyber security expert, and co-founded a division of Exodus Communications, a company that seeded the internet we know today.

Dave’s mission is to help people upgrade to a happier, more conscious state, one cell at a time.

Dave divides his time between Vancouver Island, BC, and Austin, Texas, enjoying time with his two children while sharing dad jokes that never fail to induce groans and eye-rolls!

Dave Asprey


Minerals are the unsung heroes of our bodies and lives, often overlooked, but essential. Caroline Alan, also known as The Mineral Geek, is here to change that. With a background that spans choreography, carpentry, online technology and now minerals, Caroline has always had a knack for being on the front of the wave. Whether it’s being a woman in male-dominated fields or being a nexus for technology and business owners, Caroline’s ability to delve into new areas of knowledge and find ways of making the complex simple, is legend. Now, as the CEO of BEAM Minerals, she's turned her focus to the world of minerals and is bringing this vanguard of health to people everywhere.

Caroline Alan