Woman holding newborn baby

How Minerals Support Postpartum Wellness


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Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. This content should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical condition or health issue. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

Recently we wrote about why minerals are important during pregnancy. You and your baby both need a lot of minerals when you’re pregnant, and deficiencies can cause everything from greater risk of miscarriage to low birth weight.

But that increased need for minerals doesn’t stop at birth. For about a year postpartum your mineral needs remain much higher than usual—and getting some extra mineral support can make it much easier to recover from the challenges of childbirth and new motherhood.

Let’s take a look at which minerals will help you during postpartum, and how a quality mineral supplement can ensure you feel your best as you start a new chapter with your family.

Ease Postpartum Recovery with Minerals

Carrying a baby to term leaves your body depleted because it takes a huge amount of energy and minerals to grow a baby—and the demands on your system don’t stop when you give birth.

As a new mother you have to produce milk, stabilize your hormones, remineralize your bones after pregnancy (your baby builds its bones by pulling minerals from yours), and more, all while facing stress and a major sleep debt. Having a baby is not for the faint of heart.

Not surprisingly, your body’s mineral needs increase dramatically during this time. The latest postpartum nutrition guidelines suggest that new mothers supplement with a variety of minerals for at least a year after their baby is born. [*]

Woman with baby

Here are a few of the ways minerals are important postpartum:

  • Preventing fatigue. Your body uses a lot of iron during pregnancy, which results in a hangover effect afterward: the average new mother’s iron levels are only around 35% of what they should be. [*] Low iron is a common cause of postpartum fatigue. [*]
  • Resilience to stress. It’s stressful having a baby. Stress increases demands for cellular magnesium—and research shows that getting extra magnesium will actually help you manage stress and anxiety better. [*]
  • Deeper sleep. For the average person, being a new parent comes with the largest sleep debt in all of life. [*] Calcium and magnesium both improve sleep quality, helping you reach deeper stages of sleep more quickly so you can get more restorative rest in shorter periods of time. [*][*][*] That’s particularly important postpartum when you’re waking up to feed your baby multiple times each night.
  • Restoring bone health. Pregnancy places enormous calcium and phosphorus demands on your body, largely as the result of building your baby’s bones in utero. As a result, a lot of new mothers develop osteopenia—brittle bones that have lost mineral density. [*] It’s important to get plenty of calcium and phosphorus after you give birth to help remineralize your bones and recover adequate bone mineral density.
  • Milk production. Breastfeeding requires large amounts of calcium and iodine—so much so that new mothers are supposed to get nearly double the normal recommended daily intake of iodine for at least a year postpartum. [*]

In short, your body needs a lot more minerals than usual after pregnancy.

man with hand on pregnant womans belly
pregnant woman

Now Is the Best Time to Start Replenishing Your Minerals 

If you’re pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or a new parent, the best time to start taking minerals is right now. But how do you know what you need?

Don’t worry—we have you covered.

We make minerals simple: just take a one-ounce shot of BEAM Minerals every morning. Our liquid mineral supplement has every essential mineral your body needs, in the right ratios. You can replenish your mineral stores in 30 seconds a day.

You also don’t need to worry about contaminants, they’re safe for you and your baby! BEAM Minerals is made from ancient rainforest soil and is a pure, plant-based solution that’s perfect for pregnancy and postpartum support.

If you want to give your body some extra help postpartum, give BEAM Minerals a try. You’ll be amazed by how much better you’ll feel when your body has access to plentiful minerals.

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Can I take BEAM Minerals with my other supplements?

Yes, in fact, BEAM Minerals will enhance the bioavailability of all your other supplements.

What is the difference between Micro-BOOST™ and Electrolyze™?

Electrolyze™ is primarily composed of Fulvic Mineral Complexes . Fulvic complexes are small molecules that provide inter-cellular transport for nutritional elements into the cells and carry bio-waste out of the cells. Fulvic complexes are flavonoids , which provide many benefits in the body.

Micro-BOOST™ is primarily composed of the Humic Mineral Complexes . Humic complexes are large molecules that are extra-cellular, meaning they do not enter the cells but stay outside the cells. They are highly-charged molecules that attract, through their electrical charge, bio-waste, free radicals and heavy metals. They ultimately carry bio-waste out of the body. Thus, we call them “Nature’s Janitor”.

How many milligrams (mg) of an electrolyte (Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium, Calcium, etc.) is there in BEAM Minerals?

The quantities of each element in BEAM Minerals products are measured in “parts per million” (ppm), rather than the “milligrams” (mg). Here is the information which usually helps to understand the difference:

Milligrams (mg) vs parts per million (ppm)

In comparing our products to other supplements, people want to know how much of an electrolyte is in our products (like potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium). Usually they are looking for an amount in milligrams (mg).

We have a hard time answering that question, because the electrolytes (and other elements) in BEAM Minerals products are measured in parts per million (ppm). So how can consumers compare?

The answer is a little complex, but here’s the high points.

The electrolytes in BEAM Minerals products are provided in “trace” amounts that are completely dissolved and thus 100% bio-available, immediately introduced into your circulation when you consumed them and will produce and active effect.

When you take a 320mg pill of magnesium, your body is only able utilize about 12-20% of it as it takes some time because your body has to digest it first. Whatever is not dissolved gets processed out of your body.

When you take a capful of liquid Electrolyze™ and/or Micro-BOOST™, you receive approximately 5.22 ppm of magnesium in which 100% of the magnesium is immediately available to your body. In addition, an important to know is that the magnesium in BEAM Minerals products stay in your system much longer building up healthy levels as you continue to take it daily.