How Minerals Help You Build a Better Brain

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How Minerals Help You Build a Better Brain


Neurology—the brain, is electrical!  It runs off electrical impulses. So, when you realize that minerals are are the fuel for electrical impulses, you begin to see the connection between minerals and your brain.

Being fully mineralized means better cognition with enhanced neural connections that allow easier speech and emotional management, etc. 

BEAM Minerals works with many private medical practices. One of our clients is Bright Minds Neurodevelopment in Salt Lake City, Utah. Recently, they told me a remarkable story about a pair of 6-year-old twins who are patients there. 

These twins both have autism, and one of them struggled in particular with verbal development. At six years old, she could only make sounds—no words. The Bright Minds practitioners thought our plant-based minerals might help; so they gave her humic and fulvic minerals every day, with the hope that would provide necessary mineral replenishment for all those important neural functions. 

The results were extraordinary. Within a week, the twin that struggled verbally was speaking not just words, but strings of words—not quite sentences, although she got there later. She had surpassed her sister’s verbal skills in seven days (don’t worry; the sister started taking minerals as well). 

It’s not just children, either. BEAM Minerals have become a staple of the clinic’s practice for older people as well. Time and time again, the practitioners have seen BEAM minerals help turn up their patients’ brains, sometimes in only a few days. 

How does that happen? Why are minerals so good for brain function? 

Let’s take a look at why minerals enhance your cognition, and why they’re one of the best things you can take to build a stronger brain. 

Your Brain Needs Minerals to Work Properly

Your brain cells run on electrical impulses called action potentials—little bursts of electrical energy that travel across your brain cells and nerves, sending signals throughout your body.

Electrical signaling controls your brain function, muscles, and even your heartbeat. Some of the most important parts of your body run on electrical charges. 

Here’s the thing: minerals drive all of those electrical impulses

Minerals are ionic, which means they carry a positive or negative charge. Your brain cells keep a careful balance between the minerals inside and outside of your cell. The inside of a brain cell is slightly negatively charged, compared to the outside. As a result, there’s a store of electrical energy on the surface of your brain cells.

When a brain cell wants to send a message, it pulls in minerals from surrounding fluid, creating an electrical charge that jumps to the next cell over. That process continues—moving minerals from inside and outside the cell, setting off a chain of electrical signals that delivers information across your brain. 

Minerals are, quite literally, the basis of thought. Without them your brain couldn’t communicate. 

Mineral Deficiencies Disrupt Brain Function

If you have plenty of mineral stores, your brain can function well. But if your mineral reserves start to run out, your brain cells can’t maintain the charges they need to communicate properly, which can result in brain fog, loss of function, memory problems, and more. 

Here are a few examples:

  • A 2018 study found that potassium deficiency dramatically increased the risk of cognitive impairment in adults. Potassium is one of the three main minerals your brain cells use to communicate (the other two are sodium and calcium). For reference, 97% of Americans are deficient in potassium
  • A 2017 study found that magnesium, calcium, and phosphate deficiencies can cause brain fog and impair mental clarity. 
  • A 2020 review concluded that iron, magnesium, and zinc deficiencies can cause fatigue, because brain cells struggle to produce enough energy and can’t communicate efficiently. 
  • A 2011 review found that low iodine levels can impair your ability to learn and remember information. Children with iron deficiency also scored lower on standardized tests, compared to children with adequate iron levels. 
  • A 2019 study found that low zinc, copper, and manganese levels increased risk of anxiety and depression in otherwise healthy adults. Another study found that low magnesium also increased risk of depression.

If you don’t have well-stocked mineral stores, your brain struggles to operate properly. You have trouble focusing, you can’t learn or remember things, you lose mental clarity, and you may experience anxiety or low mood. 

Replenish Your Mineral Stores for a Stronger Brain 

Minerals are essential to brain function, which is why replenishing your mineral stores can have such a dramatic effect on your cognition. 

A lot of people who use BEAM Minerals report feeling like their brain is turning back on. In many cases, the effect is immediate. That’s because our humic and fulvic supplements come in a highly absorbable form, with special capacities that deliver the mineral replenishment straight to your cells.

Best of all, our minerals are full-spectrum—they have every essential mineral you need. You can get rid of that cupboard full of pill bottles. Just take a shot of our minerals every morning (don’t worry; they taste like water). 

If you want to build a stronger brain, give BEAM Minerals a try. You can take them in under a minute every morning, and you’ll feel the difference! 

[Support Your Brain with BEAM Minerals]

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