water droplet with ripples

Herxheimer Detox Responses to Humic Minerals


Read Time 5 min

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. This content should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical condition or health issue. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

When you take a detoxifier like humic substances, there’s a small chance that you’ll experience something called a Herxheimer reaction—a sudden onset of uncomfortable symptoms.

These are reactions to toxins, either from bacterial die-off, or as a result of the release of stored toxins, which are moving through your body for excretion (in the case of certain metals, pesticides, and other harmful compounds).

People who are “sensitive” often know they are, but sometimes it can surprise you when you have a reaction to a new supplement.

Symptoms of a Herxheimer reaction include:

  • Headaches
  • Aching muscles
  • Gastrointestinal distress (gas, diarrhea or constipation)
  • Painful kidneys or liver
  • Flushed skin
  • Rashes/Hives
  • Acne
  • Low fever
  • Anxiety
woman suffering from Herxheimer reaction

Herxheimer reactions are exceedingly rare. I’ve seen them in about 0.01% of people who take BEAM’s humic complex supplement – Micro-BOOST™. However, when a Herxheimer reaction does happen, it can be scary. You may think you’re having an allergic reaction to the minerals or that they’ve made you sick.

That’s why I wanted to write this article. If you’re one of the very few people who gets a Herxheimer reaction, hopefully the paragraphs below can give you some context as to what’s going on with your body. Let’s talk about what the Herxheimer reaction is, why it happens, and how you can prevent it from happening again.

What is a Herxheimer Reaction?

The Herxheimer reaction was discovered in 1902 by Dr. Karl Herxheimer, a German dermatologist. Dr. Herxheimer was treating patients for syphilis, which is caused by a bacterium. He noticed that some patients would exhibit sudden-onset rashes, fevers, aches, and kidney pain within about two hours of starting treatment.

Research eventually revealed that this response (later named the Herxheimer reaction) happened during a number of other treatments as well—most notably in addressing Lyme disease, E. coli infections, and exposure to toxic mold.

Basically, a Herxheimer reaction happens because your body is detoxing very quickly. When you take something that destroys harmful bacteria, their cell membranes disintegrate and their contents leak into your bloodstream. As the bacteria die, you’re exposed to a sudden and large quantity of bacterial endotoxins, which can cause rash, fever, aches, and other symptoms of the Herxheimer reaction. 

BEAM Minerals
woman with water bottle

Why Does a Herxheimer Reaction Happen?

If you take humic substances (or any other powerful detoxifier) and you get a Herxheimer reaction, you likely have a high toxin load. That sounds scary, but don’t worry! The fact that you’re having a reaction means you’re rapidly detoxing, which is a good thing.

You could be killing off pathogenic gut bacteria like E. coli or addressing the  bacteria that cause Lyme’s . It could also be toxin mobilization—as certain heavy metals, pesticides, and other compounds that get stored in the body begin to detox, they can cause sudden, temporary symptoms that are essentially a Herxheimer reaction (although technically, Herxheimer only applies to bacteria).

Another common cause of a Herxheimer-like reaction is detoxing from mold exposure. If you’ve had black mold in your home, you may experience symptoms as you begin to detox. 

How to Prevent a Herxheimer Reaction (While Still Detoxing)

A Herxheimer reaction happens because you’re detoxing rapidly. The best way to prevent it is to slow the detox process down, easing your body into detoxification without causing a sudden endotoxin release into your bloodstream.

Important: Keep in mind that this is NOT medical advice. If you have a reaction that worries you, we definitely recommend that you seek guidance from a healthcare professional.

Disclaimer out of the way, this is our recommendation for people who have a Herxheimer reaction in response to starting humic minerals:

First, wait a couple days, until the symptoms of your reaction have disappeared, then use the following method.

Slow Introduction Method:

  1. Start with 1/8 tspn in a 4-6 oz glass of non-chlorinated water.
  2. Drink over 10-15 minutes.
  3. Wait 24 hours, see how you feel.
  4. If you have no detox symptoms, then continue that protocol for 3-5 days.
  5. After that you can add an additional 1/8 tsp in water – using the same protocol.
  6. Over time, you can slowly increase the amount.
  7. If, at any stage of the process you have any recurrence of the detox symptoms, stop for 24-48 hrs and start again at the lower amount (which gave you no symptoms).

Humic is a great detoxifier, but it can be a little too effective for some people. The basic idea is that, if you get a Herxheimer reaction, start at lower amount and work your way up. A gentle, gradual detox is better than one that overwhelms your body. This process works well with other supplements as well.

Hopefully this article puts your mind at ease. And remember: if you have any doubts or your symptoms persist or worsen, talk to a doctor! It’s always better to be careful with your health.

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Yes, in fact, BEAM Minerals will enhance the bioavailability of all your other supplements.

What is the difference between Micro-BOOST™ and Electrolyze™?

Electrolyze™ is primarily composed of Fulvic Mineral Complexes . Fulvic complexes are small molecules that provide inter-cellular transport for nutritional elements into the cells and carry bio-waste out of the cells. Fulvic complexes are flavonoids , which provide many benefits in the body.

Micro-BOOST™ is primarily composed of the Humic Mineral Complexes . Humic complexes are large molecules that are extra-cellular, meaning they do not enter the cells but stay outside the cells. They are highly-charged molecules that attract, through their electrical charge, bio-waste, free radicals and heavy metals. They ultimately carry bio-waste out of the body. Thus, we call them “Nature’s Janitor”.

How many milligrams (mg) of an electrolyte (Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium, Calcium, etc.) is there in BEAM Minerals?

The quantities of each element in BEAM Minerals products are measured in “parts per million” (ppm), rather than the “milligrams” (mg). Here is the information which usually helps to understand the difference:

Milligrams (mg) vs parts per million (ppm)

In comparing our products to other supplements, people want to know how much of an electrolyte is in our products (like potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium). Usually they are looking for an amount in milligrams (mg).

We have a hard time answering that question, because the electrolytes (and other elements) in BEAM Minerals products are measured in parts per million (ppm). So how can consumers compare?

The answer is a little complex, but here’s the high points.

The electrolytes in BEAM Minerals products are provided in “trace” amounts that are completely dissolved and thus 100% bio-available, immediately introduced into your circulation when you consumed them and will produce and active effect.

When you take a 320mg pill of magnesium, your body is only able utilize about 12-20% of it as it takes some time because your body has to digest it first. Whatever is not dissolved gets processed out of your body.

When you take a capful of liquid Electrolyze™ and/or Micro-BOOST™, you receive approximately 5.22 ppm of magnesium in which 100% of the magnesium is immediately available to your body. In addition, an important to know is that the magnesium in BEAM Minerals products stay in your system much longer building up healthy levels as you continue to take it daily.