Parent and Pet Longevity Conference

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Parent and Pet Longevity Conference


Caroline Alan is a health survivor and mineral enthusiast. On her journey to health, Caroline found mineral replenishment to be a foundational element that is widely misunderstood. Her research into why minerals are important in human physiology and how they work in the body has taken her into a broad field of study including microbiology, molecular biology, cellular biology, quantum physics, agricultural soil science, The study of plant decomposition and glyphosate toxicity as a result of her research, Caroline has become committed to helping people understand how and why mineral depletion affects the body, the systemic nature of glyphosate exposure, and specifically how plant-based humic and fulvic minerals can help support healing and optimal health.

Caroline is an engaging speaker and a regular contributor to podcasts and health-focused events and programs around the world. Caroline is the co-founder and CEO of Beme Minerals. Caroline, welcome! Thank you so much for being here today with us. Thank you very much. I'm so excited to be a part of your summit.

I was just saying before we started the video that when Penny and I first met, Beme Minerals were one of the first supplements, maybe, probably the first supplement she recommended for my pups, and your... What I love about you and your product and what we're going to talk about today is this beautiful crossover between the human side and the pet side.

So before we dig into all the nitty gritty, I would just love to hear from you about how you started being minerals and What led you to where you are and so passionate about what you do? Yeah, it is very serendipitous because if someone had told me I was going to be talking to you about minerals today, 10 years ago, I'd have been like, what are you talking about?

But I was in the corporate world, and I was a top gun for hire, in that world. And I burned out of that. And at that time, I had flatlined adrenals. I had inflammation throughout my body, particularly in my mouth. I had a really deep chin, gingivitis, and deep pockets that were, I was, Really struggling there.

I had sinusitis, like sinus infections constantly recurring. I had headaches many times every week. So I used Advil way too much. And. I also had thyroid issues, so I had a lot of imbalance and a lack of homeostasis in my body, inflammation, and a lot of problems. And my now business partner, Dan Howard suggested that I try these minerals and he had another business he was running where he sold essential oils and these and I started taking them, Within two months, I went to my dentist and she looked in my mouth and she's oh my gosh, what's changed?

The pH in your mouth has changed. Your tissue looks healthy. You have no more gingivitis. What are you doing? And I was like I don't know. I guess it's these minerals. I'm taking these minerals. So that was the first sign that something was really different. Wow. I'm literally speechless that two weeks, two weeks.

No, it was actually two months. Sorry. Two months. Still. So this, they're slower acting than immediate. But even for me, I had been working on my mouth. I had gone to three different dentists and I was trying to heal that for three and a half years prior to this. So she was re and I'd been working with that dentist for over a year.

And she was like, Whoa. So then a couple of months later, I went to my naturopath and I had been working on my adrenals last time I'd seen her. She wanted me to take hydrocortisone, a pharmaceutical. I was like, no, I'm not doing that. And, but we did the test before I went in, and she. I remember her opening the book and showing it to me and going, this is amazing.

The hydrocortisone is really working. I said I'm not taking that. And she's what are you doing? I said I think it might be these minerals. So over some time, I just started feeling better. and better. And all these things started to resolve. And so I started doing research. And that's where my mind just went, Whoa, love that moment.

The thing about minerals is most people think that they're really boring, like minerals, what, but I tell you, I think they are the most. Interesting and exciting thing. And once you start really getting it once we get into this I have a feeling other people are going to go no way.

Yeah, cause so often you just go minerals and you hear vitamins and minerals, take your vitamins and minerals, eat your fruit and veg. They're full of vitamins and you don't, you sometimes go, Oh, that's probably some vitamin C and maybe some vitamin, but you don't think so much about the minerals typically as far as.

Yeah, I don't, I never did. It's like maybe think about calcium, but I was like, that's where I drew the line. So this is opening up minerals to become known as opposed to this sort of anonymous hanger-on in what we think we know about health. Exactly. Or, it's so funny because sometimes I'll be in a grocery store and a health food store and I'll see people wandering the mineral aisle, picking up bottles and going.

Okay, there's this and I should take some chromium and maybe I need some potassium. So calcium and I need some zinc and I'm like, oh, my gosh, I feel so sorry because here, you're going to take 20 pills a day, which end up, which don't work anyway, which is what I learned. So I went down the rabbit hole with minerals.

And first I started to. look into how minerals work in the body. And then I started looking at why are we, why was I depleted in minerals? And then how does mineral replenishment work? So those are the three pieces that I'd like to do. Bring to your audience. Yeah. Can you just give us a break?

It sounds like you got into the nitty gritty, really understanding the role of minerals in the body and the mechanisms and all that. Can you just explain to us in layman's terms what did you find? Yeah here's the cool thing. The cool thing is to think about minerals. What we have to do is start with a paradigm shift and the paradigm shift is, and I want before I even get into this, I want to tell the people who are listening.

That everything that I am saying is the same for a human and it's the same for any animal. It's actually the same for plants. So the paradigm shift that we're going to do is we are cellular beings. When you're talking about minerals, you have to talk about cells. And we're used to thinking about our bodies like, Oh, I have a heart and I have a kidney and I have a lung and I might have, and I have endocrine systems and I have enzymes and I have hormones and I have, we're used to thinking about chronic illness or disease as functions of a particular system or organ or a problem like cancer.

Okay. So the first thing that I like to say to people is if you took all of the water out of your body, you'd be a little pile of minerals. Think about that. Your entire body is built on minerals right there. You're like, Ooh, okay. And you have it. So you have about 37 trillion cells in your body. A small dog might have.

75 trillion. So you have, it's it depending on the size of your body, a very large man might have. Up to 150 trillion cells. I'm sorry, I'm not probably I didn't get those numbers right. What I'm trying to say is you have a huge number of cells and every single part of your body is made of cells, whether it's your brain, whether it's all of those enzymes, everything in your body is made of cells.

And guess what drives your cells? Two things. Minerals and amino acids. Every single thing in your body is built from those and every piece of energy, like the fact that I'm talking and moving my hands and you're nodding every and the thoughts that are happening and you're looking at me and those processing that's happening.

So you can even understand what you're seeing. All of that happens inside your cells using minerals and amino acids inside what we call the mitochondria. I think people in the biohacking space have heard of this word, but the mitochondria are the energy-generating unit of your body or the system of your body.

And it requires two things, amino acids, some of which your body makes, some of which you have to ingest, but all the minerals, you have to ingest them. Your body doesn't make any. So right there, can you just get did you ever even think about that? It's a really important point that we literally cannot make them ourselves.

We have to ingest them. We have to, right? Because you can't. Breathe them in. You can't put them on topically, right? It has to be ingested, digested, and absorbed. Is that correct? Yes, exactly. And assimilated. And then we'll get into that, which is such an interesting piece. Yeah. The problem is that we're all depleted.

Your pets are depleted. The plants that are grown in production farming, are all depleted of minerals because the soil is depleted. So the entire system gets depleted and we are part of that system the thing about a cell that doesn't have enough minerals, it can only generate about 1-12th of the energy 1 12th and most experts say that modern humans have about 30 to 37% of the minerals in their body that they need for optimal functioning.

That's right. Under 40%. And I'm not talking about third-world countries where it's even more. I'm talking about first-world countries. So this is why energy, people say, I've got no energy. I'm lethargic. I'm tired. I have to have a nap in the day. I don't have the stamina to keep doing what I used to do.

This is the root cause of that. But then Penny, you also hear people say, Oh, it's because I'm getting older. It's because we're Yeah, they excuse it. They just admit it. It's the norm because everyone's tired. Exactly. So the way I like to have people think about it is if you have a light in your house that has a dimmer on it, just dim it down to half.

Yeah. Exactly. Just dim it down to half. That's the output that you're putting out when you're mineral depleted only in some cases, less than half of the energy that could be generated in your body is being able to be generated. Imagine that now. Soil is depleted, which means that the food that we're eating is depleted because they're not getting it from the soil.

Are there other factors of lifestyle factors that deplete it more that might even increase our need for more, which makes it even harder to get it because we're, so it's like we're not getting it, but then we're also using it more? Does that vary how much we use? Several things are exacerbating mineral depletion.

Number one is what are we all doing? We're drinking filtered and bottled water. It has no minerals in it. Okay. They've been taken out. So our parents didn't drink filtered water. They drank water tap water. Mostly that was or we, when I was a kid and we went hiking, we drank right out of the stream, of course, you shouldn't do that.

Don't do that. But still, you were getting minerals in the water. So now, so that's 1st of all, 2nd of all, as we said the food supply is depleted of minerals is mineral deficient. And 3rd, we're all getting glyphosates. And this is a piece that we don't have to go into in-depth, but GMO foods have glyphosate in them.

And do you know how that glyphosate kills a weed? it sucks the minerals out of it. So when you have glyphosates in your system, it pulls out very important minerals like iron, molybdenum, and chromium. It takes these minerals out of your system. So these are some of the key reasons that we're all mineral deficient.

And it's, and then if you put on top of that a lifestyle where you're a performance athlete, so you're constantly going to the gym, working really hard, sweating, and I don't know a single performance athlete doesn't have a problem with hydration or just feeling regenerated when they're in an intense training cycle.

Yeah, that's so interesting because you forget that salts are part of that as well, or it's easy to forget that salts are part of that and now electrolyte balance, and then that is how your brain is going to be operating as the cascade is enormous because when you're starting at that one level of the cell, you can see how it affects absolutely everything.

So while you were saying before. You have a lot of sympathy for these people who are standing in the aisles of the supermarket thinking, I need some minerals. Okay. I guess I'll have this one and some of all of those. And that's not working. Could you explain why that's not working and then why beam minerals do?

Yeah. And this is the next big piece. It is just literally, this is probably the reason that I'm here today, because when I learned about this, I was like, why don't people know this? We should have all learned this. Instead of talking about vitamins, talk about minerals. So the thing about the way your body replenishes minerals is, it's actually the way all nutrients get into your body, but there's this buzzword and it's called bioavailability.

I think we've all heard about it and you see it places, right? But what I like to do is break it down for people because it will change not only where you're going to get your minerals, but it'll also change your way of thinking about what you're putting in your mouth and how you're giving nutrition to your body.

So bioavailability has three stages, and the first is digestion. Most of us think we know that, right? The second is absorption, and that means getting the nutrients that have been digested into your bloodstream. And the final one is assimilation, and that's getting it from the bloodstream into the cells.

And the most important thing about minerals is almost all minerals do not do their job unless they get inside the cells. So you can maybe digest them, hopefully, we'll talk about that, and you'll maybe absorb them. We can talk about the problem, the challenges there. And then You might actually assimilate into the cell a very small percentage.

Unless all 3 of those stages of bioavailability are present, you might as well just flush it down the toilet, when you're taking it, you go to the aisle and you take a pill, when you take a pill, first it has to be digested. Because it's powder and your body has to break it down. Now, when you think about most mineral supplements that are made from rocks, shells, and bones, those things don't digest for your digestive tract is not actually very adapted to digest those things.

Correct. Yeah. That's not our normal diet, is it? So we don't have the ability and probably our microbiome doesn't either. We can digest a very small part. And digestion, that's the other thing, is digestion means They have to be broken down into what are called ionic components, small enough to be absorbed.

And it's their chemical components. Okay. So then we talk about absorption. So let's say just that digestion process when you take a pill. you only ever digest maybe 20% of what you take. So that's why they have these minimum RDAs, daily requirements that are, they take 320 milligrams of magnesium or something.

But, You only ever digest you, you might take that much, but you only ever digest maybe 20% of that. That's low, isn't it? I know it's shocking. Yeah. So then the next stage is you have to put you have to get that into your bloodstream. So the way it works is in the lining of your gut is these finger-like structures.

They look like fingers. And they're lined with these cells called epithelial cells. And each one of those cells is lined with these receptors. And this is the key piece of information you have to understand every single receptor is specific. It's not like you've got all these. Receptor sites that are just general.

They take up anything. No, you've got a huge amount of calcium and magnesium and potassium and sodium, but you have very few, but very important ones for molybdenum and other kinds of things. We, I never knew these things. Have you ever had that experience of learning about that?

Most people aren't even. Sorry, go ahead, Benny. I was gonna say certainly the lock and key receptor sites with proteins and hormones and things like that. But that's another whole sort of grade of specificity to say, not just in, not just one cell, but one tiny receptor, and the mineral that's coming down your system has to be already broken down into the right place.

It kind of forms to be the ionic structure to be attracted to that and then find its little perfect match. It's like those penguins, in Antarctica when they come back and they've got to find their mate amongst 500 million penguins standing on the ice. I love that. That's such a great metaphor.

That's fantastic. Yes. And somehow they do. So how can we make that happen in our bodies so we can bring the mineral penguin to the receptor penguin? Exactly. Exactly. And so, the structures that we have now are a knowledge base now is go to the mineral aisle in your supermarket, your health store, health food store and buy 20 pills and just slam a whole bunch of pills every day.

Okay, but first of all, most of that you're actually creating a huge amount of work for your body. Your body has to get rid of all that stuff that didn't get digested. It has to actually be eliminated. So now you've put your body into an elimination process. At the same time, you're trying to uptake and absorb.

things. So it's actually really, so minerals work in balanced, balanced pairs. So when you start putting huge amounts, huge in terms of 320 milligrams into your gut, you're creating imbalance. So this is one of the biggest pieces. So then our final, so now let's say you've. gotten these minerals into your bloodstream through absorption.

And the other thing we have to mention is that most of our, most of the people who are struggling with any kind of gut problems may have malabsorption issues, right? I was going to, say just that that's the ideal scenario, is that You're able to digest them, but for most people, their digestion is not working properly, or not optimally.

Exactly. Yeah, their enzymes, they don't have enough. The enzymes aren't well, aren't established well. Et cetera. There are so many reasons. And one of them is glyphosates because what do glyphosates affect? They affect the same thing that creates celiac and gluten intolerance.

Hence, we have a huge rise in gluten intolerance. So now, let's say we did get some minerals into our bloodstream. That's great. Now we have to get them into the cells. So the problem is you've heard of the word flavonoids, but what is a flavonoid? A flavonoid is something that can be a carrier and carry things through the cell wall.

So you've got all these cells and you need to get the minerals from your bloodstream just hanging out in the general space into the cell and a flavonoid is what supports that. So we eat all these superfoods. That's cool. That's good, it's a good start. But what we really want to do is use something that's super powerful.

Flavonoids carry those minerals into the cell. And we're going to, that's where we're going to, that's where my hands start. So excited because this is the coolest thing is that Mother Nature provided the magical and amazing natural tool for mineral replenishment for all cellular systems on Earth.

And it's called plant-based minerals. That's not an oxymoron. , it doesn't, people being minerals as rocks, adding vegetable minerals. You think, hang on a minute, how can I be a plant mineral? Exactly. And this is where we get into so we talked about this bioavailability thing, first of all, your body cells, and then you've got to get minerals into the cells where they can actually generate energy with amino acids inside the mitochondria.

So now we get to talk about how do we get, how do we. Like supercharged that replenishment system instead of going to the mineral aisle and having to take 20 pills or drinking powdered drink, powders that you put in water or electrolyte drinks and all those kinds of things. That doesn't really work well.

So what is it about plant-based minerals? They're so different. You mentioned it, right? Our body's not meant to digest rocks. Okay. That makes sense. But how do these exist in plants? And why do we usually think of minerals as coming from a different source? Yeah. So let me, it's really interesting.

So I'm going to start at the beginning. I would say, imagine an entire rainforest back when the dinosaurs lived. And that entire rainforest decomposed over millennia into this incredibly mineral-rich substance. When I do this I do a presentation at conferences and things and I show it, it's like a video of plant matter getting broken down and it's really cool.

Worms and you see all these little bugs and you see all these things and they're eating the plants and they're. excreting, and then something's eating their excretion, and then something else eats that bug, and, or, and it gets down to the microbe level very small. And over time, it ends up this, it's a black, incredibly rich mineral substance, and it's called humate.

And humate is, it's, exists in different places around the Earth. And it has 2 components, and I call these the mineral, these are the mineral replenishment superpowers of the world. Okay. And they're called humic. And fulvic two components. Okay. They're very different, but they occur everywhere together.

You've seen maybe a pond and the pond is dark brown. The water in the pond is humic. That's actually humic. Okay, but there's also fulvic in there because they exist everywhere you find humic you find fulvic everywhere you find fulvic you find humic and in fact they're being studied around the world because they're, they have some really magical qualities that we'll talk about.

The first one I'd like to talk about is fulvic. And have you guys ever heard of humic and fulvic? Yes, you have. Yeah, but we have, but I don't, I think that probably most people listening haven't unless they've heard us talk about it. I think what's going to happen is people are going to start to hear about humic and fulvic much more.

And so you can buy some fulvic waters and you start seeing, you're going to start seeing it. But fulvic, it's a very small molecule. It's much smaller than a cell. It hangs out in the bloodstream. It has some really cool qualities. One, it is the most effective flavonoid you can put in your body. Okay.

Incredibly, it has a super strong electrical charge to it. So things cling to it, all those minerals and nutritional elements, and it carries those through the cell wall. And then it does something that no other molecule on earth is capable of. does, it can change its polarity. It's the only molecule they know that can, most molecules have a charge and that's it.

They don't change their polarity. So it goes into the cell and it changes its polarity and those things drop off inside the cell. And now it has a positive charge and all the negatively charged Ions, which are the bio waste, the toxins, the heavy metals cling to it, and it carries those out of the cell.

And then it drops those off in the bloodstream. Now, of course, those things are in the bloodstream. So now we have the humic molecule. The humic molecule is a very large molecule relative to a cell. Again, electrolyte gathers biowaste, and it clings to the free radicals in your system. It's As an antioxidant, it's thousands of times more effective than any superfood or anything you can take.

It also keeps the glyphosate in your system. It inhibits its effects because it actually creates a film around the glyphosate and it actually breaks it down and it can ultimately that molecule, that humic molecule gets so heavy, At a molecular weight, it falls out of solution and it like, like you have something that ends up on the bottom of your glass like that and it falls out of solution and leaves your body through the natural elimination channels.

So here you have Mother Nature provided. The most incredible replenishment tool, plus the most incredible detoxification tool. And they're just right there ready for you to use. Just there, 100% natural. Wow. Can I ask Caroline, because I've heard, and that Fulvic and humic acids are really good for helping with glyphosate detoxification.

Okay, I knew that part, did not know that mechanism. So that is so cool. But I have a question because I've also heard, and I'm not super familiar with this research, that it's really that the fulvic and humic minerals are really helpful for leaky gut or intestinal permeability. Is that true? Or is it simply that it's getting rid of the glyphosate which exacerbates or causes or contributes to a leaky gut?

Or is it actually helping to heal the gut lining? Yes, and yes, so 1st of all, 1 of the main things that glyphosate toxicity causes is leaky guts, because it attacks the tight junctions, which we don't have to go into all that detail. It sounds like you have a good understanding of that. It is just in remediating the effects of the glyphosate, it's helping with that leaky gut, but because the fulvic has this incredible anti-inflammatory capacity.

Because it's removing, so when you think about inflammation is usually in the tissue, right? And what are cells? Cells are the tissue. Okay. So to remove inflammation, you have to remove the inflammation agents that are inside the cells and get them out in the bloodstream where they can now be removed by the humic.

Does that give you a sense of the mechanism? Isn't it phenomenal? It's like a, I was gonna say, it's like Torval and Dean. I call it mother nature's mineral technology. It's a technology. When you start studying it, you're like, oh my gosh, this is a grand design. Yeah, I just realized we haven't even for folks who aren't familiar with glyphosate, which I would imagine that most people are, but can you just explain really quickly?

What is glyphosate? Because I'm just listening to this and it's okay, this is scary. What's happening? When I actually started studying this stuff, I didn't really know either. So I just want to let people know who don't really understand. You've heard the word glyphosate. Oh, yeah, whatever.

Or GMO. I didn't really know what that meant. Okay. So what GMO means, is genetically modified foods, they were designed so that they can spray a weed killer on the food and the weeds will die and the plants will live. It's great for farmers because now they can go through and harvest all that food without having any weeds in it, particularly grains, but they also now do it with all sorts of different things, lettuce, all sorts of different things.

Okay. So the problem is that the food and they mix the glyphosate. weed killer with something called adjuvants and surfactants. And those are trying to make it more bioavailable to the plants. So the problem is that also works in your gut and makes it more bioavailable to your system. Okay, so glyphosate is a weed killer.

And the way it works is it sucks all the minerals out of the plant. So the plant dies. And when it gets into your system, that's what it does in your system. It sucks specific minerals, copper, molybdenum, iron, lithium, There's another one I can't think of out of your system. And just so folks know the brand name is Roundup.

So folks using it at home like it's not called glyphosate. On the label, and unfortunately, I think it's what over 90 or 95% of glyphosate usage. is actually people at home, because when they use it on the farms, they don't have to use that much because they know how powerful it is, right?

They're not going to waste it. But at home, you can get it in a spray can, you just, and that stuff also doesn't go away. Then it goes into our water supply, and now it's in our water supply. So it's really pervasive, and especially here in the States and that's one of the we don't have to go down the whole rabbit hole, but yeah, it's pervasive.

And there's a great book that if people are interested in reading, it's by Stephanie Seneff, and it's Seneff, and it's called I think it's The Legacy, Toxic Legacy is what it's called. It'll tell you all about it. And the thing that I've been talking with Stephanie about is. The systemic nature of it.

'cause now I have glyphosate in me, and now I defecate and I urinate, and that goes down into the sewer. And now we have that in the water. I'm not even talking about the farm runoff or the way the runoff from you going out and spraying it and killing your weeds or your blackberries, now it's in the water and now it's in, and they found it at the North Pole and they found it in Antarctica.

Whoa. Yes. So it also is airborne. So I'm telling you, it's ubiquitous. And now, so what Stephanie and I've been talking about is this possibility of how can we potentially use humic to create some sort of break in this systemic issue. Yeah, that's a whole trick for the thing. I think I want to leave people with that where are listening.

The best thing you can do today is don't ever use Roundup. 1st of all, look for other solutions. And if people are interested, they can contact me. We have other solutions available that we can tell you about. We're actually developing 1 to put out to the world. So we're working on that. And you can use the humic.

So the plant-based humic molecules as a way to support your body in remediating the effects and removing glyphosates from your system. In fact, what I believe after my research is that one of the reasons I got well was not only because I was remineralizing my system, but also because I was remediating the effects of the glyphosates.

And as a gut health dietician, I'm just going to put a little plug here. That this is really relevant if you have food sensitivities because this often comes from the gut becoming leaky and then the proteins get into the bloodstream. And so if we heal the gut, we can damp down tamper down that immune response to the foods that you're eating that are triggering you.

And I've seen plenty of folks I've experienced it myself or once you heal the gut, you can actually reintroduce food you couldn't eat before. So this is so relevant. For basically everyone. And I'm actually wondering, can you talk about this, who, who might benefit from taking these plant-based fulvic and humic minerals?


at this point, it sounds like everyone and it's. It's actually a challenge for us and as a company, because each person is, as an example, there are specific things for women, if you're a woman and you have menstruation and you build your uterus wall every month, and you then have to let that go.

And so there's a detoxification element of that. And then there's the physical building element of that. And if you have uncomfortable periods, that is mineral depletion. If you have menstruation cramping, that is mineral depletion. If you're, we talked about the performance athlete, but let's say lots of kids now that are running sports, they're now having cramping.

They're coming off the field cramping. I don't remember ever seeing any kid that I knew when I did sports as a kid having cramping, but now lots of parents are saying my kids are cramping. It's because they're drinking bottled water. They're drinking filtered water and their food and food is depleted of minerals glyphosates.

Then. We have women, we have performance. We have people who are doing, intermittent fasting or doing low carb. That's, it's of course, really even more important to get more micronutrients. People who do low carbs get fewer micronutrients in their food. So it's really important to supplement.

Yeah, it goes I really say if you're living in the world today and you're eating from the supermarket, not going out in the woods and foraging, then you need minerals. And if you're foraging, you probably need minerals anyway, because foraging is a really hard job. Just watch that. Have you ever watched that show called It's called like Alone?

Have you ever seen that? Yes. Oh my gosh. Yeah. And it's so interesting when you watch the show. When somebody, let's say they catch a fish, and they say they got this many calories, this, and they got these minerals, and they got this vitamin, they talk about, they always, it always comes down to the minerals.

That's a really interesting point. Yeah, because they're essential for life. Like you said, and the reason people go home on that show is because they were depleted of minerals, it's always they're having these symptoms because they're depleted of electrolytes, minerals, salts. So I have a question about what's actually, in terms of the different minerals that are in there, because if you go to a grocery store or your health food store or a supplement store, whatever, you look at the label and it says Magnesium citrate 200 milligrams right in each bottle or each container is going to say what it is, and the milligrams right the dosage you, this is, you have to do that right.

But this is different because you're the minerals are within. If you look at the label, it's not all broken down because they're within it, right? Can you explain that? I can, yes. And this is again the paradigm shift. This is partly because of marketing, but it's also because of science, and it's also because of a lack of...

Understanding minerals and really thinking about how they work in the body, how they're replenished, et cetera. So we now have all these pills out there and people, a doctor will tell an older woman. Oh, you need to take calcium. Oh, you need to take magnesium. Oh, you need to. And then they're looking through the aisle.

Should I take calcium citrate or whatever? So the thing. If you think about it again, your body, if you take the water out, you're going to be a pile of minerals. Okay. Now, pick up a handful of really healthy, vibrant, thriving dirt. And all of the mother earth is in it. Okay. All the minerals. When you think about this material that plant-based minerals came from that entire rainforest that decomposed into that incredibly mineral-rich substance, it has all the minerals that you are made of in it.

You don't need to actually add any other things. Okay. So as well, they're all in the correct balance for, the levels that are natural, the levels that sustain life. So if you need more of this, that's already there. If you need less of that, the balance is that so taking humic and fulvic minerals, then is a one-and-done.

Because you get everything at the right balance. Yes. So that's, actually, in some ways had never really thought about it that way until you said it and it's absolutely correct. Yeah. Oh, that's so cool. So the difference is we're told, the, to listen to a doctor and the doctor says, take this, take that, take, and now I'm taking 20 pills or whatever.

And what I'm saying is mother nature's already, as you're saying, mother nature's already designed it. All you need to do is give yourself a full spectrum of all these minerals in very micro amounts on a daily basis. So imagine it more like you're infusing your gut. With this huge amount, 70 plus minerals.

And actually, there are amino acids because there were dinosaurs and bugs and animals that died in that huge rainforest as well. So there are amino acids in there. And there's also vitamins and there's some several different vitamins in there. I'm not saying you shouldn't take any vitamins separate from our min from mineral supplements, but there are some vi B vitamins in particular.

So what the paradigm shift is rather than trying to hack your body by adding all these different things and creating this imbalance, instead you're gonna infuse your system with these really small micro amounts of completely ionized. Minerals. Now, this is where our products come in that makes them so cool.

So if you took some humate and you just took some very finely powdered humate and you ate that or put it in a pill and ate that would still have to be digested. Now, it is much more. Digestible than many of the other supplements. So it's a good place to start. And we actually have a humate capsule for when you travel or humic.

But then, an even better way is to take liquid. So you talk there when people are taking minerals off. Oftentimes we get a question from people. What's, What kind of potassium is in your minerals? What kind of magnesium? What kind of calcium? Because people have been told they should take particular types.

I don't know, you probably know which ones you're supposed to take, right? I don't even pay attention to that. And what I see is, no, you don't get it. When you take our minerals, you're just getting calcium, like the base. You're just getting magnesium. You're just getting potassium. It's not potassium citrate.

It's ready to be. It's completely ionized down to the chemical component, potassium. It's almost like a, it sounds like you're saying it's almost like a mineral version of a stem cell. So a stem cell is the base and it can become what the body needs it to be. So here we've got potassium. As the blank slate almost becomes whatever type of potassium the body needs it to be to fully function.

Is that equivalent? And that is exactly, that's very well said. Yes. I love your analogies. I love it. Rather than thinking that we're so smart, we're going to give our body what it needs, calcium, citrate, or whatever, instead, we're going to allow our body in its infinite wisdom because of the complexity of the digestion process and the.

And the absorption process and the assimilation process are beyond anything we can even think through, right? It's so complex and has so many factors. So instead, we're just going to infuse the system with the components it needs to replenish the minerals, not only the minerals themselves but the transportation tools via those highly powerful fulvic flavonoids.

Oh yeah, go on. I'm just, I'm loving this conversation. And I'm, it's so funny that you said that about the form. Because I've wondered this since I've used your product. Okay, but what type of magnesium? So I'm so glad you said that. Because I'm in that, I'm in that mindset too. When you're supplementing, you have to pick the right.

The right kind, right? Magnesium is a great example. Do you need it as a laxative? Because citrate or oxide is best. Do you need it to go to sleep? Because Bisglycinate and threonate's best, but you're saying no. Make it simple. So now here's the even more cool thing about our mineral supplements.

And particularly, we have two supplements, and one is called fulvic. It's electrolyzed and it's a fulvic supplement. So it carries those 70 plus minerals, all those minerals you need, and it carries them just in the fulvic molecule. So the cool thing about it. is that when you drink it, it starts absorbing through the tissues of your mouth, your esophagus.

By the time it hits your stomach, your body is already utilizing some of that mineral content. Wow. Wow. That's how quickly it absorbs. Fulvic is, you can spray fulvic. We have a fulvic spray that's incredible for all sorts of things. Muscle soreness, cramping, menstrual cramping headaches. Go on. Yeah.

Now, is this the one that has, which is the one that has lavender in it? Oh, I don't have one of those. That one is called boo lights. Yes. Does that have the phobic in it? It does. Okay. Here, my husband got poison oak a few weeks ago and it was spreading like crazy and he, everyone had a different idea of what he needed to put on it.

And of course, Dr. Google is no help, right? Everyone's Oh, try this. And nothing was working and everything was just really irritating it. And it was miserable. He literally couldn't sleep at night because it was all over his leg. And I was like, try this. Cause I had the booboo lights, which I actually got for my dog's hot spots back when she was really itchy.

Penny had actually introduced me to it. And so I had it and I was like, Get give this a try. Like you can't hurt. It was the only thing. that gave him relief. And not only that, it suddenly started to heal. He used the whole bottle in two days. He was, he would wait, he kept it by our bedside and he would wake up at night and just lather his legs with it and it started to heal and it gave him relief.

So I'm going to I really wish you would go on our website and write a little review about that because it's so cool. Its booboo lights are also incredible for bug bites or any kind of skin irritation, or if you got a scrape it's actually incredible for women's parts that get irritated as well.

It's incredible. Yeah. So what's so fascinating because I was thinking, okay it it's, obviously it was relieving some of the symptoms, but what you're saying is literally working on cellular because it's getting in through the skin and can be absorbed that way. And most vitamins and minerals you can't absorb through the skin unless there are a couple, of specific ones that they're formulated in certain ways, but that's pretty rare.

But the size of the is so tiny that it gets in immediately. Exactly. So I have this spray here and when I spray this on, I spray it on and I rub it on. It's already going to work. It takes 3. It's already absorbed in. It's a, it's actually starting its detoxification process, which is going into the cells.

Remember, it's delivering the minerals and it's removing those inflammatory agents. And I actually use that spray just before I go to bed. So I give my face after my face is washed, I give my face a mineral spray. It dries very quickly, but then I'm on the pillow and it doesn't rub off onto the pillow, and in the morning, wake up, do the same thing, and start the day.

And so it's also great because it has so many uses. We're actually, yes, we have so many ideas for helping people understand how to use it because there's. There are a lot of really effective ways to use Fulvic. And in fact, Fulvic is being studied around the world. They're studying it in the pharmaceutical world because it's such a great transporter.

Can we change direction just for a little bit? Because I'm feeling like this... Is giving so much new and exciting information to people, but I want to say, Hey, this works in animals too. This is where I started with being minerals was providing it for my pets and for my clients who were. Low in energy.

They were lethargic. They were, oh, they're just aging. They're old now. They don't do this anymore, and they might've had dull coats or specific illnesses. It doesn't matter because you're affecting at the cellular level is going to have an amazing and profound effect. So I would start off by.

Because, and this is what I love because it's a liquid, there's no forcing a pill down a cat's throat. There's no hiding it in the food and then finding it hidden somewhere in the garden where they, pretend to swallow it and didn't, it goes straight in and goes to work straight away. And so I put it down a bowl of plain water, and I brought down a bowl with minerals in it so it's the poured in and it's now effectively mineral water and I put it there and I say which one do you want to have.

And every time I did this experiment with my animals, with friends, animals with clients, they make a beeline straight for the minerals and they seem to know that they're depleted and that's going to make them better. Can you just tell us what you know about how this works in animals? Yeah, and I also want to just underline what you said.

We've actually done this as we're working on agricultural products where you take our product, you put the liquid, you put it on an area of a field where sheep are grazing and they all go to the mineral area. And that's the only place they want to eat. This is, animals really know this.

Okay, and it's worth saying that it doesn't have a flavor or a taste. So it's not they're being drawn to sugar or, it's, The minerals. Exactly. It's not like it has, if it's a dog, it's not like it has, you know how they have all the supplement different things that have meaty flavors or whatever.

It has no flavor. It's not, it's definitely not something about the flavor. They can smell it. They have such a great olfactory system. But so again, think about your pets. They're cellular beings too. So the way everything that we talked about the way it works in the human body is the way it works.

with your pets. The thing I want to also tell people about pets is you take your, and it's of course less for an indoor cat, although a lot of the pet food that people are getting, and I'm sure that your clients are probably people who really care about their pets, but lots of pets don't have great food supply and it is glyphosate ridden food.

Okay. Really? It's not the best. So because don't people don't think about that. Most people don't. First of all, their food supply generally has more glyphosates. Second of all, it has less minerals. And if you take your dog for a walk down the street, and it's, and the dog is sniffing under bushes and wherever along the road, guess what they spray over there to keep the weeds down?

Okay. Glyphosate. So your dog ends up getting way more exposure to glyphosates than you do. If you have cats that are outdoors they really get much more glyphosate exposure than we do. So there are smaller bodies as well, which means it takes less of an input dose of that toxicity to cause serious problems in their body.

And then of course their lifespan is shorter generally than ours as well. So they've got less time available to them to get that back out of them. So there's a real urgency to thinking about your pet's exposure to glyphosate in particular in this case, but also they're grooming, at least we're protected by their clothes.

And so if I rub up against a bush as I'm walking, that happened to get sprayed, I'm probably fine, but the dog or cat, then they're going to lick that later on and now it's in their system as well. That's exactly right. Or if you've ever seen your dog licking its paws, it's think about it, all of the potential environmental toxins that are that they're getting, and again, remember that it's not only glyphosates, because they're also getting lots of lead and lots of different things just, exhaust dust from the, from, if you've ever gone outside and realize, oh, my gosh, a lot of that's lead.

So you really the humic is incredible for chelating heavy metals? Incredible. And I've got if I just also want to mention if anybody's interested in any scientific studies, I have a wonderful compilation of studies. If you want to make it available to your people, I'd be happy to provide it for people who really like to geek out and learn more.

I've got it. Yeah. I haven't sent that to you yet. I'm so sorry. I will definitely get that to you. It's so interesting. I also want to mention just because no, I'm not going to mention that because I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't want to be a fear monger. So I just really want people to consider that there is help for the glyphosate toxicity issue and it is humic minerals.

And it also sounds like there's a solution for that heavy metal toxicity as well. So there are multiple levels of when you've got a when you've got mineral, that's able to pull out the toxins and drop out of suspension and then just gently leave the body the way nature intended. Then you're going to be able to get rid of a whole host of nasty things, not just one particular glyphosate chemical, but, and then on the flip side, you've got the delivery system.

So it's this amazing synergistic two-for-one completely gentle, natural. I love it. And the animals love it too. And that's, they're not going to lie. They're not going to turn around and say yeah, I'm going to pretend to like it. They're always honest. Exactly. And we also, we're in the process of also developing products for plants.

These plants behind me, they all get our minerals every day. And so we're actually about to put out a whole set of products that's for house plants and then also for gardening, for soil amendment. For beefing up your and we've done amazing tests with a micro green producer here.

So we can actually show what happens when you use the minerals. And it's you won't believe it when you see the actual photography of it. It's. It's markedly different. I want to talk about dosing and how and when to take it, but I have a quick question, which is the minerals. Most of the minerals that people are getting on day-to-day are from the foods that they're eating, right?

But do those foods have fulvic and humic minerals too? Obviously, it has magnesium and it has, but are those present there? I guess I'm answering my own question. It's probably dependent on what's in the soil, right? Our soils are depleted in part because of the use of glyphosate and the monocropping and the whole, and all that, but let me clarify.

So people, when I say plant-based minerals, they think I'm going to eat plants to get plant-based minerals, but actually, plant-based minerals are from decomposed freshwater plants. Specifically freshwater plants. Okay. So the reason you might get some fulvic in your when you eat some lettuce is that there might be some little residue of that, but you're not necessarily getting it from the food.

It's not necessarily inside the foods. Okay. Do you know what I mean? So if you're not going to get other minerals so think of it this way. If there, if you have mineral-rich soil, that's got fulvic and humic now, what that allows the plant, the same as your body to absorb and assimilate. More minerals so that now when you eat the food, it's more nutrient dense and now that is absorbed in your body because you know you've put fulvic and humic in your body.

So now you supercharge your assimilation, your absorption and assimilation engine, and actually digestion by removing the inflammation. You actually then create more opportunities for healthy absorption in your gut as well. It's such a beautiful system. Isn't it? I love nature is just so smart, isn't it?

When you talk about that word dose, so I want to actually again I don't want to use that word. And this is part of the paradigm shift. So doctors think about dosage because they think they're smart enough to tell your body that it needs 320 milligrams. Whatever, so you're going to say the dose is this and but you, the three of us are different.

The size of our bodies is different. We have different needs. Everybody is different. Okay. So we don't talk about dose because what we're doing is we're infusing the system with the full spectrum of necessary minerals. And now your body and its infinite wisdom are going to go. Oh, okay.

There it is. I need this. Oh, I need this now. Oh, there it is. Oh, I need this. Oh, there it is. And now it's all available. And that's totally different than thinking about, so we do have an amount, a recommended amount of our different minerals. Again, we have these 2 products. 1 is called Electrolyze, which I mentioned, that's the fulvic 1 and the other is called Microboost and Microboost is the humic Thank you.

Supplement and we have them separated for reasons partly because if you're a performance athlete and you sweat a lot and you're in an intense training cycle, you'd probably want to take more fulvic because fulvic is about energy generation in your body because it's the tool that enhances the nutrient uptake into the cells.

It's the transporter. So if you need a quick pick me up of electrolytes, forget the electrolyte drinks, forget taking LMNT powder and putting it in water, forget that doesn't work, but take an extra capful of electrolytes. And your body in three seconds is already going to be beginning to utilize that electrolyte the electrolytes inside that fulvic drink that you just took.

No digestion is required. So athletes that I work with who struggled and struggled with replenishment or feeling hydrated, keto people also, or low carb people can also experience hydration issues, but you give them electrolyzed and they start going, oh, my gosh, I finally feel hydrated. And then the micro boost, which is the humid component, you, the reason we have it separated.

There's a technical reason, which has to do with it staying in suspension. We don't have to go into great detail there. But also, it's because you can use it separately for things. If you feel a cold coming on, you take a little extra hit of micro boost and what does it do? It immediately starts working, removing those and making an inhospitable environment for the virus viruses.

And it really helps. Or let's say you go out and drink some wine with some friends. You come home and you take a quick half shot of micro boost, you go to sleep and you woke up and you have no hangover or let's say you, you've just sold a thousand bottles right there. I have this friend and, she, her husband is German and he loves to drink and he's always let's have some schnapps and let's have wine before dinner. Let's have wine with dinner and let's have, et cetera. And she could never drink because when she drank, she could not sleep at night. Literally. So I was visiting and I had brought them some minerals and I said let's try it.

Let's see what happens. So we gave her a shot of micro boost and we drank. She had wine before dinner, and wine with dinner. She had some schnapps afterward. She went to sleep. She slept like a baby and she woke up the next morning. She's you've changed my life. You've invigorated my marriage.

Cause he always wants me to drink. And I, now I don't know if it's good for her health, but more she'll drink, but it really works. So yeah. There's another point that you've just touched on with the hydration that I want to bring to the front for a second. One of the biggest killers of our cats is chronic kidney disease.

It's rampant in the pet side of cats, and it's barely existent in cats in the wild. So we know from that simple breakdown that this is an unnatural condition that our cats are being exposed to. And when you speak to a lot of conventional vets, they'll say it's just normal. It's just part of the aging thing.

It's just what cats get, and I didn't like that answer, which is why I started investigating this. But the big problem, of course, is the lack of hydration. So cats are not free drinkers, the way dogs are free drinkers. They don't just sit there and guzzle out of the water tap. In the wild, they get the majority of their moisture, their liquid, their hydration from their prey, because obviously it's a, they've just caught a mouse and the mouse is made up of 70% moisture.

And so then they've got their moisture. And so when we feed cats a processed diet or a dry diet, especially if it's kibble based, then they depleted their entire Life of water. They're living their entire life in a chronic state of dehydration. It's the, it's simple cause and effect of where chronic kidney disease has come from.

So to assist cats, whether they're on a fabulous species, appropriate raw food diet, whether it's lightly cooked, whether they're mousing at themselves outside and catching things in the barn, or whether they're on. Let's just say junk food. I can see how the hydration effects of these minerals. And be able to bring the water into the cells is going to assist cats in protecting them against developing this horrendous disease.

It might be interesting also that if you put the minerals in the water, the cats might drink more of it. That's exactly what I did notice. Normally you put a bowl of water down and the cats will go, Oh, what is it? Oh yeah, that's fine. I'm not interested. I'll come back later when I think I might want a sip or two.

When I put these, when I put those two balls down in those experiments they would all come over to check out what it was, sniff both of them and then go back and drink from the mineral water bowl. Isn't that interesting? That is astounding. That's so cool. So if we could use it, prevention is always better than cure.

And so I try and teach people who have their cats and love their cats to say, if you are not proactive about this, there's a very strong likelihood that this disease is going to manifest at some point, but we can prevent that with understanding what's causing it, removing that. But now this seems like another tool in the toolkit to just get a little bit more of that protective suit of armor, and make sure that their bodies stay hydrated.

And therefore the kidney is not constantly under strain so much that it conks out first. And it's so interesting because, if you're saying that doesn't happen with cats in the wild, right? As much, right? So what we're really saying is this is a deficiency. This is some glyphosate.

Exposure from foods that they're eating as well. So it could be both together because glyphosate just definitely renal failure is one of them. health correlations with glyphosate toxicity. Absolutely. In fact, there are lawsuits associated with that. So if you think about that and you think about providing these minerals to the cats, this is the same with humans, which is I, what I say is the body is a homeostasis Engine, your body, your cat's body knows how to heal itself when it is provided the energy and the tools to do it.

When you think about providing this full spectrum of minerals, so that now, even if 80% of the cells in the body have what they need. That's turning that light up from one-half or 40% up to 80%. You've doubled the amount of homeostasis generating capacity of your body or your pets your cat's body to actually do what it naturally does, which knows how to deal with whatever it's, what, whatever's happening.

It's oh, you've got inflammation. Okay, bring all this blood. It knows how to do so many things when we provide the foundational building blocks. It's interesting to think that our pets and alien know how much they need. So I also do the same where I have a bowl of filtered fresh and then I have a bowl with both the micro boost and the electrolytes mixed in.

I've never offered them three separate. And they'll alternate between, especially if it's hot out or if we've just gone for a walk, they'll come in and they'll automatically go for the minerals. But as humans, we don't quite have the same innate knowledge. And I love that you're giving examples of when needs might be higher.

Is it also fair to say that if you're starting a routine of including this into your, let's say water first thing in the morning or however you're incorporating it into your routine, that might make sense to start with more because you've been so deficient, and then go to a maintenance amount?

What do you think about that? Because I know some people are going to say, they're going to say, Okay, but what tell me how much I should take. What we say with our liquid minerals and again, the beauty of our minerals is that they taste like water. And I don't know if you've ever tasted any other liquid minerals, but liquid.

Yeah, and liquid plant-based minerals. Whenever there are some other products, I won't name that are liquid plant-based minerals, even fulvic supplements and stuff and they taste terrible. And that is the beauty of ours. a proprietary process is that it creates these minerals that are so easy to drink.

And I feel like one of the reasons I got so is I would wake up in the morning and I hate taking supplements. I'd be like, Ooh, I want my minerals. Ooh, I'd like to take a drink. Ooh, I want that. Like I was like the cats like, Ooh, yeah. Okay. I'll have some, so I think I'm just going to, I'm going to say.

You might be surprised at how much people do know what their body wants, and you might actually pay attention and actually find yourself going, Oh, I do. I want that. Yeah. Give it to me. We have little, we have stories of kids coming out and going, I want my minerals, little tiny, like two-year-olds.

They're like minerals, pointing to them, or this one guy, he had the purple and the green bottle, and he and the kid would come out and say, I want purple today. Today you'd want the green, so who knows, but my point is that, yeah. There is a basic recommended amount that we suggest you take, which is half an ounce.

Now, it is true that most of us are toxified because we don't have enough flavonoids in our system and we don't have any very, we have very little humic or capacity for elimination. If we do provide good rec, like on our website and on the, when you get the products that you get a card with it, that tells you how to get started.

So I'm not going to describe the exhaustive thing, but the basics are if you are extremely depleted, depleted, it is good to what I call mineral load your system, but you're going to only mineral load with the electrolyze, the fulvic. Okay, because what you want to do is imagine your light is dimmed down.

What you want to do is re-energize the system. Give your system the ability to get those minerals into your cells and generate more energy via the mitochondria. So do that first. If you really are feeling depleted, if you're having energy issues, start with electrolyze and maybe go for a week and take Even a full cap of that every day.

Okay. And then start in with the humic because the humic is about elimination and detoxification. And because probably in your nutrition world, even though the human component is extremely. Gentle, I call it mother nature's janitor because it just works in the background, comes in, cleans the toilets, removes the crap, gets rid of the recycling, it just cleans up always constantly.

But for some people, and I'm, if you have a very sensitive system if you have autoimmune if you've had Lyme's disease, if you tend to have what you, some people know of as Herxheimer. responses, which is like a, could be a histamine response, different kinds of things happen with people. And most people know if they're very sensitive because they're the people who take, somebody says, take a pill, they cut it in quarters and they take a quarter, things like that.

I'm one of those. So then if you're going to start with the humic, you just would put it in a four-ounce glass of water, just drink it over 15 minutes, but you, what you're just giving your system a little time to adapt. And you would maybe even start with. I know people sometimes call me because they'll say, oh, I had, I'm having some funny thing and I'll say, give me a call.

And we have a chat. I also on, you can, you, anybody can set up a call with me and your listeners and we can provide my Calendly link. Excuse me. I always allow people to, if you have questions, just give me a call or not. Just you can't call at any time, but we'll set up a meeting. And. Because it's if you are a sensitive person, you just want to introduce it more slowly.

That's okay. For most people what incredibly generous of you that you offer that for folks to connect with you directly. Thank you so much for that. And. We'll also be providing a discount code for folks listening. And I guarantee you that most people are going to want to give this a go. Whether they've got the cat that they want to protect or whether they want to get rid of hangovers themselves, whether they're now worried about all the, like there is so many reasons why.

Did I tell you something? I just thought of that. So Penny, again, Penny introduced me to bean minerals specifically for my dogs. And the micro boost, is the one that's the darker color, right? So you can see it in the water. It doesn't taste like anything in the water. The first time my husband's had me drinking it, he was like.

Why are you taking the dog?

And that actually is, it's so funny because I heard of a woman in Canada, she called me and she's actually. Feeding her horse, agricultural, humic, and fulvic. And I do want to tell people, please don't do that. It's not a good idea. And I'm not going to go into all the details, but I would not do that.

But we are actually. About to release some specific, we call it complete canine minerals and complete feline minerals. So you'll have, some directions about how to use the minerals with your pets, with those particular ones. And it probably could be used for any pet. You would just adjust by weight, but we'll, anyway, so those are going to be coming out soon, just so you don't confuse your husbands that you're taking pet's minerals.

Or vice versa. I think I should have introduced it in the other order because now he's afraid to take it. He's I'm just for the dogs.

Anyway, I just have time and I feel like we've been talking for five minutes and it's been over an hour. So let's wrap this up so you can get on with your day. But this has just been so much fun and so insightful and hopefully no matter where folks are in their knowledge of this they're either setting that foundation or adding more to what they already know.

But at the end of the day, you've made it super simple. Like you, you've made this product and you have these incredible resources, your time, the resources on your website, just all of the above so that folks can get started without feeling any kind of overwhelm. And I think that's. Really huge because you can hear lots of information, but if you don't know those next steps, it's a little bit like now what it's so true.

And that's why I don't want to talk about so many people talking about minerals. And then you're like what should I take? And how much and when and in what form? And I'm like, no. We call it the shot that rings around the world. You just take a shot. That's it. You're done. Boom. That's it. Yeah. You've actually simplified it for people because I know a lot of people take different minerals and different supplements and one liquid.

Easy to take. Yeah, you can share everything in balance. Natural doesn't taste bad. What's not to love you guys? Thank you so much. It's been absolutely a blast to talk to you before we wrap up. I just want to give you time and space if there's anything that we didn't talk about or anything that's speaking to your heart that you just want to land on today.

I just want to say to people, if there is anything you do for your health as you grow and develop and age, it takes minerals. Thank you. Mike job. Caroline, we will share all of those resources with folks, but for anyone who's listening Can you just say the name of your website or anywhere else that people can find you and then we'll link it all up in the notes.

Yes, you can find us at beam minerals dot com. We are also just now available on Amazon. If that's or the U. S. Amazon, if that's important to you, of course, we would rather you come to our own website minerals dot com. Thank you. Perfect. Thank you so much again for your time and wisdom.

Just energy. This was such a fun conversation. We're gonna have to, we're gonna have to have you back on when you come with the new products for pets. Exactly. Open. Thank you. Thank you so much. All right. Next time. Thank you.


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